NextGen Board Members Volunteering at Camp Good Grief. Top Row, Left to Right: Jamie Rickard, Kaitlyn Sacco, Chris Myers, Anita Castro, Kurtis Murchison. Bottom Row, Left to Right: Olivia Swinger (HopeWest Team Member), Emilie Stickley, Katie Squier (HopeWest Team Member)

While serving on the HopeWest NextGen board, members learn about HopeWest’s many programs, with a particular philanthropic focus on the HopeWest Kids program. Six members of the NextGen board served dual roles as volunteer “buddies” during this year’s Camp Good Grief, an annual outdoor camp helping kids navigate the loss of a loved one. Volunteer buddies are trained by HopeWest Kids staff to walk alongside a designated camper during the weekend’s activities.

“Experiencing it firsthand is completely different than hearing about it, I wish all donors could go through this experience and see how valuable this program is and how deserving it is of their time and money.” – Kaitlyn Sacco

As true ambassadors of our organization who have gone beyond the call of their NextGen duties by attending camp as buddies, we asked them to share their thoughts and feelings before and after their experience, offering us valuable insights into their time at Camp Good Grief.

Q: How are you feeling prior to camp? Are you excited, nervous, prepared?

Chris Myers, Self-Employed, Realtor, NextGen Board Member for 3 Years
A: I’m nervous because I want to be the best buddy possible for my camper and don’t have any experience at camp or in this type of setting. I’m excited because I know there will be a great group working together to facilitate a transformative weekend for all the kids. 

Jamie Rickard, Interior Designer, NextGen Board Member for 7 Months
A: I am excited, I feel like there will be a lot of support for me as a volunteer if I don’t know how to handle a situation. I expect to have a lot of fun, act silly and enjoy camp. I know we will unpack some heavy stuff and there will be a lot of emotions, but I do know that the release of emotions is very freeing and will be good for the kids and for myself too.

Q: Following this experience, do you feel like you learned something about yourself?

Kaitlyn Sacco, Bookkeeper/Admin Assistant, NextGen Board Member for 6 Months
A: I will never forget this experience and feel transformed from the time I spent with these kids. Kids are often put into a box, we don’t take them as seriously because they’re young, but their grief is just as big and powerful and complex as ours. It was beautiful to see the growth in the kids in what felt like hour-by-hour. At first, they are shy and nervous, and then they find the thread that connects them all and it becomes unbreakable and they’re able to let go, find joy, and process their grief in a way that feels safe.

Q: Do you feel like you have a better understanding of the program and children’s grief experiences?

Anita Castro, Senior Lead Enrollment Counselor, Colorado Christian University, NextGen Board Member for 2 Years
A: Absolutely! I am someone who needs to be hands-on and experience things for me to fully get them, and that’s what this camp did. Throughout my time on the NextGen board I’ve learned more and more about this incredible organization, and it has been wonderful to experience things in so many facets. When I joined the board, I didn’t know much about the specifics of the program but believed in the overall HopeWest mission. Now after serving as a camp buddy, I have seen the HopeWest Kids impact firsthand, witnessing the beautiful and incredible transformation in so many kids over only a few days. I truly believe I can say I see the full picture and I get it, feel it, and could not be more bought in.

The HopeWest NextGen board is designed to inspire and teach leadership, philanthropy, and civic engagement for the next generation. While serving on the board, members learn about the many programs at HopeWest that are made possible through philanthropy.  

NextGen is the governing board that leads the annual HopeWest Kids fundraising event, Spoons Under the Moon, which raised over $104,000 (net) at the event this August. 

Last year, 560 kids received support and guidance through their loss and grief. Our expert staff understands how to hear their stories, help them find healthy coping skills, and show them that there is hope.

This kind of support is only possible with your generosity. HopeWest Kids is funded solely by philanthropy. Your gift can make an extraordinary difference in these young lives.