HopeWest Gala

We celebrated with supporters and volunteers at our annual HopeWest Gala fundraiser on February 22, 2025. This fabulous event was held at Grand Junction Convention Center. Guests enjoyed dinner and dancing, a live and silent auction, and Astra Lumina themed decor created by our talented volunteer team. Thank you to our many underwriters, partners, and volunteers who all contributed to making this event a success! It’s because of our community and your generosity, we are able to provide the level of care we do each day.

Thank You Generous Underwriters!


 Rocky Mountain Health Plans
A United Healthcare Company


 Bank of Colorado


Mortuary & Crematory


High Country Beverage


Home Loan Insurance
A Division of Mountain West Insurance & Financial Services, LLC


Intermountain Health
St. Mary’s Hospital


Mor Storage Sales


RE/MAX 4000 Inc.


Timberline Bank


Thomas Hunn Jewelers



Alpine Bank

Carlson Memorials, Inc.


Don and Judy Allerheiligen

Logic Wealth Strategies – Justin Reed & Erin Blue

KnowMoore, LLC

Mt. Garfield Wealth Management Group

Snob Productions, Inc.

The Daily Sentinel

Two Rivers Winery & Chateau

Vectra Bank

West Star Aviation

Whitewater Building Materials