The Heartwarming Journey of Three Heirlooms for Hospice Volunteers For two decades, Judy White, Judy Landon, and Phyllis Wiesner have been quite the team at Heirlooms for Hospice, an upscale resale shop in Montrose. These three compassionate women have turned their...
Sonya’s story is a special one, where volunteering at Heirlooms for Hospice has allowed her to honor the legacy of her mother, Faith. It all began when Sonya’s father was in hospice care with HopeWest. After his passing, Sonya’s mother decided to volunteer...
Thank you for voting HopeWest, Heirlooms for Hospice, and Spoons bistro & bakery 2020 Daily Sentinel Best of the West in these categories! Our work wouldn’t be possible without the support of our amazing communities. This year, Best of the Best had...
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